Dbus urban transport

Find your nearest bus stop and save it as a favourite. Find the shortest route and get real-time arrival information...

Public taxi service

Locate your nearest taxi rank and find your way there with the 'How to Arrive' feature. Call a taxi through the app...

Car parks

Find your nearest car park and save it as a favourite. Get real-time information about the number of available parking spaces...

Dbizi public bikes

Get real-time information about the Dbizi stations and number of available bikes. Find your nearest one...

Get around quicker and easier.

Visual and intuitive application.

Receive notifications about closed-off streets or any detours owing to events and/or road works.

How to Arrive

The How to Arrive feature lets you find the best route to reach somewhere in the city (without even needing to know the address!). It also gives you information about the duration of the journey, and helps you find your nearest bus stop (if you decide to travel using Dbus).
• By foot
• By bike
• By Dbus
• By car

Download the application!

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